A suspended atmosphere where planes of reality multiply into hidden stories, the real and the unreal converge and create parallel dimensions
Silvia Patrono was born in Padua where she currently lives and has her own art studio. Her passion for art began at an early age when she began to paint and study History of Art. After completing a degree in ‘Lettere’ (Humanities) following the historical and artistic curriculum, she enrolled at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice to specialise in painting with Professors Carlo Di Raco and Luciano Zarotti.
I would like to be able to proclaim the sweetness of arranging the ecstatic and motionless souls on the canvas, the immobile and silent things, the long gazes, the deep and clear thoughts, the life of joy and not of vertigo, the life of pain and not of exertion (Felice Casorati)
In times afflicted by violent and vulgar images, Silvia Patrono’s canvases finally suggest the naturalness of everyday values.
Francesca Bottacin
Ricercatrice Università degli Studi di Urbino - Storia dell'Arte Moderna
Solitary female figures inhabit the canvas as ethereal creatures: sweetness, grace, fragility and introspection describe, in the work of Silvia Patrono, a delicate femininity, evoked by extreme modesty through timid flashes of vanity. A clip in the hair, the red nail polish, and the flowers on the dress lead us to another world from the real dimension of the painting, where the chromatic material outlines a primary emotion.
Elena Castellan
dal catalogo della mostra personale Diario, 2006
Silvia Patrono shows an initial adherence to the form of what is real, which, however, when being transposed on canvas, reduces itself to its very extremes, giving unexpected life to imaginative presences. In her latest works, the suspended and magical atmosphere - marked by the frequent appearance of an animal, almost always the dog - permeates the elements and contexts of everyday life with surreality, which thus reach a symbolic expression, multiplying hidden and parallel truths that are never fully unveiled.
Barbara Codogno
Giornalista, critica d'arte e scrittrice